In 2020 NAWRB WHER, Volume V: Access to Capital, we address how the COVID-19 crisis has impacted financial wellbeing, the importance of increasing financial literacy among the general population, and share resources for access to capital.
Time will tell of the economic impact of the pandemic as the country enters another recession, but the financial impact on households and businesses has been swift and inhibiting. Americans are still recovering from job or wage loss and are struggling to pay monthly bills. Similarly, many small businesses have benefited from government assistance, but they are still navigating running their businesses in this new environment in which COVID-19 is an ongoing threat to public health.
In this volume, we will address the impact of COVID-19 on the financial wellbeing on individuals, households and businesses. Then, we will take a deep dive into the factors that contribute to financial wellbeing in order to suggest actionable solutions to helping the nation not only recover from the current pandemic but to be proactive for any future economic crises through financial literacy. In doing so, we will address the impact of education and media on financial literacy, and the importance of integrating the pillars of financial literacy from early education.
Finally, we will provide helpful resources for access to capital, as well as updates to ongoing financial assistance that has been available to small businesses in the form of Economic Injury Disaster Loans and the Paycheck Protection Program.
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